Saturday, March 12, 2011

Six Foot Track - 9th in 3:49:57

Approached the race feeling pretty good. Training had gone well, tapered well, no illnesses and was feeling pretty good. Nothing to complain about which is rare for me. Rocked up to face the longest toilet queue in the world, stood there panicking a bit then finally joined Wave 1 next to Tucks and Quentin. Decided to push the start a bit quicker so as not to get stuck going down Nellies Glen, Quentin jumped ahead of the two guys in front of me who proceeded to take it very gingerly allowing Quentin to gap them significantly. The girl behind me (Anna Frost) was getting a bit impatient behind so we let her through.

Picked the pace up with the two Gramps Army runners in front, one of whom was David Hosking, who I'd end up running quite a bit with. Pace was quick along here, with km splits of 3:34, 3:49, 3:50 and 3:52. Always love this bit of the race before the pain begins. Followed David all the way to Cox's (overtaking a few on the way, including Anna). Launched myself into the deep river so as not to look like a mincer and proceeded to overtake David and another chap in the process. Crossed the Cox's mat in 1:08:50. Then the hills begin. The hills to Mini-Mini are the worst. Ran them all until I heard a familiar voice just before the open field and sure enough Tucks comes past. Ran with him until the bugger of a hill to the top of Mini-Mini where I started to walk. I was plodding so slowly that I was starting to cramp up, so figured I might as well walk the very steep bits. Tucks of course kept on running and started to gap me. Going up Pluvi I ran by Timmy Ashby but was overtaken by David Hosking and Anthony Scott (who went on to finish 4th!). Reached Pluvi in 2:14:55 (I think). From then on, it was a pretty lonely experience. Had very black thoughts along Black Range (where did those extra hills come from?). Got very worried about being "chicked" as very time I went past an aid station I'd get a cheer then 30seconds later would here a cheer twice as loud. After crossing Caves Road I put a real effort in to get some low 4min kms. Massively relieved to finally see the finish and got all emotional as usual. Shame Dad and the kids were still doing a Jenolan Caves tour so went for a massage instead.

First PB for 2 years which is a bit of a relief. I was worrying about getting old. Having said that, this does seem to be a gnarly old man's race.

Great result by Quentin to run 3:44 on debut. Tucks is a machine, running 3:41 after being just out of sight at Pluvi. He must hammer the Black Range. Nice couple of bees with Eoin, King James, Marc, Dickyboy and Rob after.

Body a bit beaten up. Hip flexors are very sore and Achilles not great. I'll take it very easy this week.

Thanks for the SMS's - sorry i couldn't respond until now as there's no coverage at Caves House.


  1. Great run Tom. You forgot a 4 min PB as well.

  2. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Anna Frost

  3. Great run Tom and nice top 10. See linkl for photo..

  4. Great run Tom. Must have been tough conditions, there looked to be some massive blowups.

  5. Terrific run Tom. You really outta think about a marathon on the flat, you would rip!

  6. Tom,

    Great effort and well done.

  7. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Great run Tom. Pbs are always sweet.RP

  8. Congrats Tom, Great effort, All those Easy sessions paid off for you - Might have to take a leaf out of your book :)
    Well Done mate

  9. That's a great run Tom. PB's then VB's no doubt. Well done. So when's the much anticipated road marathon debut?

  10. Well done Tom - magnificent effort.
    Know how you must feel (Glasshouse 50K)
