Tuesday, March 29, 2011

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

The boys are getting fit. That's all I can say.

Found a new venue to do one of the toughest sessions on the calendar trying to avoid the crowds of Farm Cove. The venue was our spiritual home (Hickson Road) but veering off into Paul Keating's spiritual home (Barangaroo) for the second half. Rocked up to find JF half way through the session. With him warmed up, it meant the first rep was run at a pretty quick clip - I had it at 3:18 (JF had it a bit quicker on his Garmin). We basically then ran all of the reps at a consistent pace - reaching the same point (the big blue sign on Barangaroo) and getting back every rep. So about 3:18 to 3:19 pace. The final two reps were quicker at about 3:10 pace.

What was surprising was how many of the lads were up there at that pace. Wildman was leading but JF and Enda were up with him, Tucks and Rich too, Ray on every other rep, Clyde for the first 8-10, even Smolly on some. My legs felt like they'd been injected with lead - I was really struggling. Not sure whether it is a Six Foot hangover or just because I've had quite a strenuous previous 5 days. The lads would get away from me in the first half of each rep and I'd spend the second half trying to reel them in. Only came good on rep 10 (and I'd nearly pulled out before that) when you're pretty much running on reserves in any case.

2km jog there and back for 18km all up, a big session.


  1. Good session. Should take out Wildman at the TTW Triathlon on thursday.

  2. Anonymous11:32 PM

    G'day Tom, Muzz here.

    Seems your getting back to your best again, great stuff. I asm sure you will get a few PB's this year.

    I am doing my first marathon (Edinburgh) next month (May 22), so have stepped up my training, however my achilles has just started hurting (nothing too serious, but I can feel it), which I am very worried about. Any tips on how to help treat it? Did you have stretches that you did, ice it, etc? I just need it to hang on for another 7 weeks, then I will give it a rest.

    Good luck in Singspore mate, i will be monitoring your results. I am sure you will go great.

    If it's easier, you can email on


    Thanks mate,
