Thursday, February 10, 2011

HuRTS Hills

Made a late change to the Hickson Road session but still had a fair turnout including JF, Brendan W, Rob, Marc, Ray, Ali, Todd and the fastest man in Erskineville.

We did some hills. Plenty of them. Followed a Sean W suggested session and marked out a 100m in the Botanical Gardens and ran 30 of them. The first 10 at 80% effort, the second 10 at 90% effort and the final 10 at 100% effort. Quick jog back down after each and a 2 minute rest between each set.

All worked out well. Pretty much all the first set were in 24s. The next set were in 22/23s and the final set in 21s with a couple of rogue early 22s. Struggled over the last final reps with Ray, Young Timmy and Todd showing me a clean pair of heels. The burglars. Where were they in the first set and a half I ask you?

Nice day today with a cooling breeze. 4km warm up and down for 14km all up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Best session in the world!
