Monday, February 28, 2011

Easy Monday

...with the body only just holding together.

Took yesterday off as I was just too tired and sore. Left heel bursar flared up after hills last Thursday and has been sore. Thankfully not the achilles itself (I can do the eccentric loading with no pain) so may just take some Voltaren to get the swelling in the bursar down and avoid hills. Until Six Foot of course. Both knees also feel slightly sore too though.

Today was the usual Monday route with a couple of variations with another cruise ship in dock. Crowd included Craig, Laura, Indrajeet and James but after about 2 minutes it seemed to be just me, Wildman, Rob and Springer with the others further back. I felt great after a day off yesterday. Pace gradually picked up on the way back. Rob stopped at CQ and Wildman around Farm Cove so I finished it by myself. 16.00km exactly in 68:34 (4:17's) but with the final 3km up the hills in 3:58, 3:58 and 3:49.

Should just say congratulations in order for Young Timmy who ran a great race at the Equaliser yesterday to finish on the podium in 3rd. Outsprinting Fats in the process and showing the likes of Dickyboy a clean pair of heels. The training all seems to be paying off. Hamburglar also looked to have had a good result.

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