Monday, February 21, 2011

Easy Monday

Standard Monday route but with deviations due to the open air cinema and liner in Barangaroo. All up about 15km. Wildman was out and is getting stronger each run. Andy and Todd were the only two to do the whole thing with me. Not sure what happened to the likes of MC, Luke, Indrajeet and Laura who had also started with us. Forgot to start my watch so no idea about time but it started very easy with the pace increasing the whole way. Felt very bouncy by the end so feeling confident. Had the pleasure of bumping into Mr Durante near the Art Gallery.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tom, Getting worried about that Durante bloke, I also spotted him the other day by the Art Gallery.....Rumor around he has a new found passion and into Van Gogh and L.S Lowry.
    What a waste he has turned out to be :)
