Tuesday, January 25, 2011

HuRTS Progressive tempo

With temperatures up to 30C, but not quite as oppressive as yesterday, it was a turnout of the hardcore today. And Wildman. No Timmy (I think he was swimming with the boys at ABC Pool), no MC (he had an itch on his hamstring), no Tucks (prefers cycling these days) and numerous others missing.

Set out with Quentin and Wildman at an easy pace with Fenton just behind being regaled with stories of back to back ironman races and 8km swims from Smolly. Turned at the road where Hickson Road bends (5.87km) so averaging 4:00's. Quentin and I were then randomly joined by some American college runner who'd flown in from Cairns that morning and asked if we were in some sort of race. The sound of another American accent was enough to spur me on a bit. He dropped off around Farm Cove and Quentin dropped back a bit on the hills back home. Reached the start point in 44:17, averaging a solid 3:32 pace on the way back which wasn't bad in the heat. Felt really good today, as if I always had another gear.

4km warm down with Andy and Quentin for 16km all up.

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