Saturday, January 08, 2011

The Bush Run

Caught up with Dicky Green and his mate Ben this morning for what he described as a run to "Red Hill". Dicky's a bush specialist, winner of the Oxfam Trailwalker in Australia and the UK and sniffs out bush tracks like a pig after truffles. I didn't realise that you could do a 30km run from the front door of my house and run 25kms of that run in the bush. I found places and tracks this morning I was completely unaware of despite living in the Manly area for 8 years. It was great. Perfect training for Six Foot. Not a bad pace but necessarily slow because of all the off road stuff.

30km in 2:35.


  1. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Ronnie Radford and the famous goal for Hereford in 72, now Stevanage...Only saving grace for you was Sunderland also got beaet to go out of the FA Cup as well :)
    Ps, Where's the Kane's BLOG gone on your new found BLOG ???? (his fans aren't happy:)

  2. Stevenage 3 Newcastle 1

  3. Blah de blah de blah. Mickey mouse cup in any case.

    Kanser's blog is ancient history these days so I removed the link. Will put it back up when he starts running again in 2013.

  4. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Why do people keep saying Newcastle are a big club? They haven't won a thing in over 40 odd years.
    Kanser's NOT a happy Alter Boy :)

  5. welcome to my playground
