Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Bush Run Part 2

Met up with Dickyboy and Hamburglar at 6:15am for another trip to Red Hill via Manly Dam. Went the Wakehurst Golf Club side of the dam, got ourselves lost in scrub chasing a non-existent path, then said goodbye to the Burglar and continued on to Red Hill. Less bush this time around as we popped out at Cromer (world's hilliest suburb) then made our way down to Long Reef. Typical of Dickyboy, he'd spot a new path (usually going straight uphill) and suggest we check it out. Pace picked up a lot when we got out of the bush doing a couple of sub4:00's coming back into Manly.

30.31km all up in 2:30:02. Tired now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Tom, You forgot to add the words, easy and recovery in the is the norm these days :)
