Thursday, December 09, 2010

Runs to work

Wednesday: Ran to work via Carl. Carl wasn't there, did some core work in the Gym and continued on to work. 57:36. Got to work prior to 9am, logged on to Six Foot website to register for the race, couldn't get access, finally got access at 9.15am and it had sold out. So I'm waitlisted. Not happy.

Thursday: Ran to work. Decided to put some effort in and make it a tempo. Did the first km in 4:05 (which includes the first 200m of trying to get the legs to function) but then hit the hill at Balgowlah and my legs were dead. Continued to put some effort in but every hill I hit (and there are a few) my legs were goooone. Perhaps it's a good job I am only waitlisted for Six Foot. 25:44 at Spit Junction and 53:46 all up so not a bad time all things considered.

Good luck to Benny tonight at Zatopek.

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