Thursday, December 16, 2010

HuRTS Progressive tempo

Charlie, considered your advice, but then made a $50 bet with the Tiger giving him a 30s headstart at the State 5000m in February, so decided to do some training.

Small crowd today what with Christmas and all (and MC confusing us all as to what session we were doing). Set out very easily at 4:27 pace with JF, Luke, French Ben, English Andy and Dicky H, picked it up to 4:00's then 3:50's then stretched out a bit with Rich over the final 15 minutes getting back in 44:15. We turned only just past the start of the Hickson Road reps though so it was a very easy first half.

Nice to be back out again though.

1 comment:

  1. No worries Tom. Always take dollars over sense.
