Thursday, November 11, 2010

JPMorgan 2010 - 3rd in 17:52

Photos above are:
1. Me and Tucks
2. Travis, me and Fast Charlie
3. Enda, Craig, JF, Dicky H, Me and the Saint
4. The Saint and me

This was just one of those races when everything went right. Felt like shit beforehand. Last night, I wasn't going to run. Felt marginally better this morning but was still giving everyone all the excuses I knew. Rocked up thinking I'll give the first 2km a hard push and if I feel OK then I'll give the race a fair shot. Everyone from HuRTS seemed to be there. Added to the start line was Truscott (but genuinely poorly with a cold), Crasti and the Saint. Set off pretty quick at the front watching the Saint and Crasti drift away. Pretty quickly a group of Fast Charlie, Tucks, Andrew Cross, the Chairman, Travis and me formed and we stayed together as a group for 4km. The km were haphazard but 4km was about right reached in 12:48. At this stage I was struggling. At the Fox Studios Gates Tucks pushed on with the Chairman and Fast Charlie following him, all gapping me by about 5m, and I was just thinking about keeping Andrew Cross at bay. Then I see the turn for the finish and thought I'd put a final effort to keep in touch with that three. I caught them at the final turn and thought, feck this, lets just start sprinting and see what happens. Only Tucks came with me about 2m behind but I desperately managed to hold him off. And what do you know, I finish 3rd!! Outsprinting Fast Charlie - how good is that! Revenge on Tucks - how good is that! $50 from Kanser for beating the Chairman - how good is that! Needless to say, I was smiling like a Cheshire Cat and consumed many beers. Happy Days! Great chats with many friends afterwards. Lots more pictures to post soon. To bed.


  1. On fire , well done mate

  2. Great work Tom! That victory salute was great to watch on the big screen afterwards.

  3. Great run Tom and the Saint only managed to finish 1:30 ahead of you! Over a 6km distance! 15 seconds per kilometre - how good is that!!!

  4. Congratulations Tom. Great work finishing 3rd. Looks good for State 3k on saturday.

  5. Amazing finish Tom, congratulations on a great run!

  6. So using your results from 2008 (8:51 and 17:23), assuming the same conversion factor you are looking at a 9:06 on Saturday. I think you can find a few seconds and dip under 9. I wish I was there, it's one of the best nights of the year.

  7. Hey Matt, good to hear from you. Not sure the conversion is that simple. I ran 17:54 for JPM in '07 then 8:53 at State 3km 3 days later. In 2008 I did a 10km just before JPMorgan in 33:42 and thought I was out of shape. I think I just had a great JPM race in '08. We'll see.

  8. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Hey Tom - What a great result to finish 3rd, well done buddy!! and to beat Charlie (and Tucks) in a sprint finish - youv'e changed - hahah. Great run mate - just hope I am back running next to you next year. Cheers Muz
