Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bruising Wednesday

Training with Carl at 7.30am so rode my bike to him for the first time in 9 months then on to work. It was slightly damp and coming through the Mosman cut through I took a stack after my rear break locked up. Hit the ground hard and badly bruised and grazed my right hip and right elbow. Bit shocked for five minutes then rode on to work. Out for 71mins at lunch by myself to Rose Bay and back feeling a bit sore. Then Tiger massage and now not looking forward to a ride home feeling very sore.


  1. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Tom, What did i tell you about taking those Stabilizers off to quickly?
    Lets hope it doesn't stop you from doing the Bi at Boy Charlton now...?

  2. Mate, you and me, head to head, tomorrow. Condition is you have to do the Rushcutters session at lunch.

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Tom - Bet is on, although after doing 20k in the morning, don't think i can make the lunchtime session,
    It will be the BIGGEST upset in sporting history if i can beat you at the Biathlon......the sribes are already getting there stories ready for the BLOGS :)
