Saturday, October 02, 2010

Striders 10km Homebush 3rd in 34:28

Didn't know what to expect this morning. It was a low turnout due to the long weekend and school holidays with only Robin Whiteley of the front runners. Set off quite quickly and shortly formed a group with Tucks and another chap who seemed to be a mate of Robin's. They were pushing along so I forced myself to stick to them to get dragged through. Went through 1km in 3:13, but 2km in 6:38 so knew it wasn't going to be quick. Really don't like this course - too many twists and turns to break the rythmn and it always picks up any humidity.

Just ran with Tucks until 5km (17:03) where other chap droped out. Then Tucks started to gap me. I was a good distance ahead of 4th so just tried to keep the pace honest for the rest of the race. Funny that beforehand Kanser said on this course you can take your time at 5km, double it and add 25seconds, which is basically what happened to me. Tucks did well to negative split and run 34:00, probably closing on Robin in the process.

Another good solid run in amongst a hard block of training but truth is I have to improve by a minute in a month to be where I want to be. Most of the HuRT squad struggled today, Kanser running a high 36, MC running a high 37, Timmy struggling with injury in the 39's. Dicky H was the exception improving by a minute from last month to finish 5th in 35:21, ahead of the Tiger.

Nice to win a cap and pair of shoes. About the only Striders race in the last 5 years that 34:28 would permit that.

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