Sunday, October 24, 2010

Manly Loops Sunday

Recovered well overnight and knew before I set off that it would feel comfortable today. Got into a nice stride early on and it was just enjoyable - certainly for the first 22km. Completely different to 2 weeks ago. The 10km loops went:


So 2:05:55 (4:11's). Weather broke last night and it was cold and wet. Quite a strong southerly which made it a struggle heading down Manly beach but a dream on the way back. 31km all up.


  1. Hey Tom , are you ok? after running with Kanser this morning i am worried for you ? he tells me you are down after he smashed you at the Hickson Rd reps?
    What's going on? Don't worry mate, my money is still on you :)

  2. The fella's a legend. 3 weeks of good training and he's back spanking me. If he doesn't go sub 2:40 in NYC it will be mental weakness for sure.

  3. Tip is he'll go 2.35 just don't let him talk to M.Conway:)
    ...also watch out for JP Morgan?
