Tuesday, October 12, 2010

HuRTS 5min reps

The usual 90s rest. Blustery but sunny day and a great crowd. It was like old times today, with the Judge, the Chairman, Tucks, Dicky H, Johnny Fenton and myself upfront and a good crowd further back. Legs felt heavy over the first few reps but then felt better and better as the session went on. The last 3 were at 3:17 pace, the ones before averaged 3:20 - 3:22.

The Chairman was looking strong, especially running into the wind when the rest of us started flailing. Any rumour that he banged out his 2:35 marathon at Sydney on zero training are wildly untrue though. He reckons he's just been "putting the miles in running to and from work", which works out at 140km per week. He needs to work on his speed though for JPMorganCC. No doubt coach Kanser will be having a quiet word in his protege's ear.

15km all up.

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