Thursday, October 28, 2010

HuRTS 10 x 400m - the Return of Wildman and the Stallion!

Over to Rushcutters. Smaller crowd including Timmy, Kanser, Ray, JB, LF Charlie, Andy, Luke and Geoffrey. "Inside Lane" Kane marked out the 400m and off we went and, fair play to the big fella, he was banging them out in 70 looking fairly comfortable. Looks like weeks of running 23km on a Sunday in 2:45 may finally be paying off. My reps went as follows:

69, 69, 69, 69, 69, 68, 69, 67, 69, 64

Turned around after rep 5 and, after doing a double take and wiping the sweat from my eyes, who should appear but Durante and Thurston! It was like old times. After big group hugs and everyone getting a little misty eyed, we set off on rep 6 with the two stars of the Sydney running scene circa '08 helping out up front and, what do you know, I start running a bit quicker. The boys had to have a bit of a sit down on rep 7 but popped up on rep 8 and, whoa!, it happens again. Rep 10 was all in with Young Timmy showing everyone that he can run a mean 350m before the boys helped pull me over the line.

Beautiful day and the oval was in top condition.

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