Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hickson Road

5 x 1.2km reps. Got a bit nervous beforehand, especially when Ray reminded me of the "Highnometer" predictor of adding up the total time of the 5 Hickson Road reps to work out your JPMorgan CC time.

Good crowd today with Tucks and me upfront, JF and Jason Ibrahim behind, JB still struggling post marathon blues and "One Rep" Kanser making a late showing. Times went as follows:

3:38 3:33 3:34 3:31 3:35

I was hoping to keep them all under 3:35. I ran the first from the front and it felt comfortable which always means it's not quick enough. You have to be in constant pain to make this session solid. I was just in front of Tucks for the first 4 but couldn't hold on to him on the last when Kanser pushed him through to a 3:32. We were also cut up by a car on the final rep which must have cost at least a second or two. Quite a bit of wind on the return reps.

So not quite the pace I was looking for (Tucks said the same thing) but not too far off.

11km all up.

1 comment:

  1. 17:51 total. You need to find 5seconds/rep to PB. Doable?
