Saturday, September 04, 2010

Striders 10km North Head 10th in 34:25

Showed up to find the unofficial HuRT Squad 10km Championships forming. Massive crowd including JB, Andy, Tucks, Darren, Timmy, Kanser, MC, TB, JF, Rob, RMR, Dicky H, Richie P and Geoffrey. The Tiger and Bleasel were also there, setting up our bet nicely. Conditions were pretty shocking - strong blustery winds and raining. I wanted to take it easy at the start as I was worried about how the effects of the illness would play out so plan was just track Tucks as he never goes off quick.

Went to plan to start with - nice sedate start then we started picking our way through the field. First km was reached in 3:18 and was feeling fine. JB, CT, Uncle Dave, Thamal and a triathlete were in a front group having gone off very quick. I started to climb the hills and immediately knew it wasn't going to be my day - the legs just felt dead. Heard the masses gathering behind me. Then started to try to pull away along the long straight over the speed bumps but it was direcly into a strong wind and all I was doing was providing a wind shield for everyone else. As soon as we turned at the Hospital the crowd (including the Tiger, Andy, Bleasel and Darren) started to pull ahead. I was now running again with Tucks who also seemed to be struggling. Stayed this way until 5km (reached in 17:10). I was considering pulling out at this stage but knew I'd never live it down so just carried on. Then Tucks and I seemed to get into a rythmn and the Tiger started coming back towards us. Soon after we picked up Brendan Davies and then Bleasel and another chap. All was well with the world again. Then I started to think about trying to beat Tucks but at 9km he seemed to put a surge in which I just couldn't be bothered to bridge. However, a bloke behind started to catch and I wasn't going to allow him to beat me so sped up to hold him off. In doing so I started to catch Tucks. A bit annoyed that I didn't put more effort in but there you go.

So mixed feelings. Managed to salvage something from what was looking like a dire situation at 5km. Almost an even split (17:10, 17:15). Affected by the recent illness so hopefully things will be better in 2 weeks at Sydney Half. Timmy was far more affected by recent flu and struggled in 38:xx so $50 from him but Gary pulled a fast finish out the bag to overtake a tiring Bleasel in the final km to take $50 from me. In fact, Bleasel must think I have a set plan in these races as I've overtaken him with 2.5km to go in our last 3 outings at North Head.

JB was a bit disappointed to be beaten by CT but has huge km in his legs so will come good after a taper for Sydney Full. Andy had performance of the day to run 34:00 in bad conditions. In fact, Steve Jackson said that the course was 20 seconds long as they put the 3km turnaround marker 50 yards too far down the road. I blame Fats. He plainly didn't want anyone PB'ing. Other great performances were Gary's 34:49 and JF finishing just in front of him. Kanser was smiling like a Cheshire Cat to beat Timmy and run low 36.

Great to catch up with everyone before and afterwards. Didn't stress so much about this race this morning and it makes the whole event much more enjoyable.


  1. Well done mate in the circumstances, $50 better off for the run anyway. Still looks good for me in the handicap for the next race:)
    What's going on as well - Tucks out sprinting you despite him been injured for 4 months?
    See you soon

  2. Tom I was in Sydney that day but had to leave to go back to Japan on an early flight. Otherwise I would have been there. Pity but it looked like nasty weather for a race maybe I was better off for not doing it ;) No I would have love to meet a few of you guys there. Not to worry I will be back.
