Tuesday, September 28, 2010

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

26C today and sunny, conditions we haven't had in months. As a result, I started this toughest of sessions pretty conservatively so as not to kill myself later on. The last time I did this session was when I had a cold post City2Surf which put me out of action for 3-4 weeks. Ran with Tucks, JF and Dicky H. Smallish crowd behind us including MC (getting pretty fit), Kanser, Timmy L, LF Charlie, RMR and others.

We averaged about 3:22's (900m). Picked up on reps 11 and 12 (after Tucks and Dicky H pulled out) but had to run the last 2 by myself which went back to 3:22's. Not too shattered at the end so OK with that.

Great views around Farm Cove today. Gotta love this Summer weather. Timmy was walking with a limp at the end of the session but I don't think it had anything to do with his stress fracture.


  1. Talking about fractures - what have you done to Billy ? Have you been beating him up with a stick or something ? How come he's got his arm in a sling ?

  2. Jamie - Billy broke his collar bone while showing me one of his handstands. I thought his screaming was typical 7 yr old boy behaviour to start with, so started yanking his arm around to prove he was OK. Felt guilty when Kirst called from the hospital saying she'd just seen the X-Ray...

  3. You brute!
    I'm calling now to report you to the NSPCC.
