Tuesday, August 24, 2010

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

The usual session off 60s rest. Crowd upfront included JB, Fast Charlie, the Judge, JF and Andy with MC, King James, RMR etc behind. Laura James showed up again. She's going to improve massively if she keeps on doing sessions like this.

Felt heavy legged from the first rep today and had to break it down in sections to get through the session. Ran the first 2 reps with JB and Fast Charlie but then they were just too strong, finishing each rep about 30m ahead (i.e. about 7 or 8 secs per rep). I started to get closer to them after rep 8 then ran the last 3 reps with them. Distance and average pace were as follows (discrepancies due to stopping the watch at 3:00, 3:01 or 3:02):

912m (3:19)
916m (3:19)
917m (3:18)
915m (3:18)
916m (3:18)
908m (3:20)
921m (3:17)
918m (3:18)
912m (3:18)
919m (3:18)
933m (3:14)
925m (3:15)
953m (3:09)
947m (3:12)

Pleased to have kept them consistent on tired legs. Need to get some more Endura. I'm addicted to the stuff. It's probably got EPO or steroids mixed in it or something.


  1. Hey Tom, Congrats on Newcastle Utd's win over the Villa 6-0, Those 3 points could come in very handy come the end of the season as you battle relegation:)
    Don't fancy a flutter on your mob finishing higher then Stoke City do you ? :)

  2. What's this Endura stuff you're taking ? I looked at their website and product list is huge. Which one do you use and what the effects ?

  3. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Hey Jimmy, Whatever it is ....DONT use it, It seems to give you Colds and Flu?
    Never heard of it in Aussie, I think he may be importing it :)
