Sunday, August 08, 2010

City to Surf - go Benny!

First of all, huge congratulations to Benny St for the win. Watched it on TV this evening and it was inspirational stuff - outsprinting Shelley in the home straight. Exactly to plan.

Rushed to the start throwing my bag in at the last minute and bumping into Dicky H in the process. Went and did a warm up with him bumping into Tucks, CT and Fats. Was late to the start line and we all got squeezed back needlessly behind some token white line. Loads of people I recognised around including Matty P, Richard P, Phil W etc. Suddenly we were off and the mad sprint down William St occurred. Found plenty of space on the left and all was good. Saw JB up ahead which was as close as I got to him all race. Was breathless by the tunnel as usual but started picking up places going up to Edgecliff then again through Double Bay. I was running with Keith and Lara Tamsett (lead female) at this stage with the motorbike filming Lara getting in the way a bit. Got my first split at 5km of 16:25 - 20s down on 2 years ago but I was still feeling fine so wasn't too fussed. However, Keith and Lara and a group of 3 others started to gap me going around Rose Bay - I just didn't seem to have the speed on the flat.

Started climbing Heartbreak Hill and suddenly they were all coming back to me - everyone seemed to be running it really slowly. Keith suddenly stepped off the road just as I caught him but just concentrated on catching Lara which I did at Kincoppal (as the hoardes of girls cheered her on). But again on the flat at the top of Heartbreak she started to gap me. From here on I was pretty much on my own. I was staring down the back on one chap who finished one place in front of me to avoid losing too much time but I think my "splits" reflected the fact that I had no-one to run with here. I reached 10km in 34:05 (so my 5km to 10km split was quicker than 2 years ago) but ended up with 47:10.

I had 4 aims before the race, top 50, sub 47, beat JB and Keith. I reckon I was 43rd (will find out Tuesday) so 2 out of 4 ain't bad. Bit disappointed with the time though.

It's a bloody tough race. It encompasses everything - really quick start and first 5km, big long hills and short sharp ones, big fast sweeping downhills and a fast finish. Need to get some more races in me and some more tempo runs. But Pub 2 Pub in 2 weeks, North Head 2 weeks later and Sydney Half 2 weeks after that should see me well by the end of September. Good to catch up with everyone in the tent afterwards. Tucks ran well (48:40) off 40km a week, Timmy will probably be disappointed with 51:00 and Kanser held up with a 53.


  1. Good run Tom. How can you have no speed on the flat? Very strange. Top 50 last year was Tim Cochrane in 47:09 so you should get in.

  2. Well done Tom another good run from you - Thought you would have beaten Chris Truscott though:)
    And disapointed you didn't take the bait with my John Binfield offer - thought i may have won some cash from him with you ?
    Many thanks for the tent after and the food and drink.
