Tuesday, July 20, 2010

HuRTS 14 x 3mins

Felt tired again starting this session so took it deliberately easy for the first 6 reps running with the group. Then started my reps behind them to give me something to chase. Felt better as the reps went through and really enjoyed the last 4. I'm a complete pussy when it comes to doing each one though - always take it easy for the first half, usually giving JB about 20m then pick it up over the second half when I realise there's not that much further to go. Was averaging about 900m for most reps (3:19's) and 935m for the final 4 (3:12's).

Another huge crowd out there. Kanser was giving young Timmy a fright shadowing him for all the reps. Poor Timmy was shattered after 12 and couldn't finish off the session. Doesn't bode well for him over the final 2km of C2S.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Tucks Vs Tom 1 - 1, Your having a laugh surely - Tucks getting back after 3 months on the sideline, Your not claiming that one are you ? Tom, Tom Tom.....?
