Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sort of getting back

Cor Blimey. Nasty bloody bug. Was feeling slightly better by last Wednesday so boarded the plane to San Francisco for the conference I was supposed to be attending. The 14 hour flight did nothing for my wellbeing. Spent 3 days at the conference trying to hold it together. Flew back. Sunday was the first day I got through without having to take Nurofen and Panadol every 4 hours. Bad chesty cough since then. Tentatively ventured out today hoping for the best. Ran 8.5km (10km route continuing around the Opera House and back but cutting home opposite Art Gallery) with my chest feeling very tight. Then proceeded to cough up a lung for the rest of the afternoon.

Nice to be running again though, especially on a beautiful day. Good thing was that the rest meant I had no aches and pains at all (other than the chest). Won't run Saturday but will concentrate on getting things back together for the SMH Half. Plenty of races to test myself in the upcoming months.

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