Monday, March 15, 2010

Feeling guilty Long run

Friday too busy to run. Sat was Thurston's Bucks day. Sunday was recovery from Thurston's Bucks day. Monday should have been further recovery from Thurston's Bucks day, but felt too guilty missing my Sunday run so ran home after 6 hours of meetings this afternoon at work. Went via my Wednesday Centennial Route then along Cahill Expressway and back home. Lovely cool evening and no aches and pains after 3 days off. Picked up the pace the whole way to run 26.18km in 1:55:19 (4:24's) which ain't bad considering all the hills. Attacked the hills from the Cahill Expressway home. It's become a bit of a habit.

Some great results from Six Foot from Uncle Dave, Fats, Tim C and Tim Ashby (the latter beating my PB by 3 seconds). Tucks had a shocker. In fact, I'm beginning to question his mental strength for the big races. I'll be beating him soon. I've challenged him to an 800m after he declared he'd given up on long trail running and was going to stick to the track.


  1. 800 should be good for a laugh, maybe I can get some coaching tips from Tiger

  2. i must admit one of the first things i did when i got home on sunday was check your last years time. had to smile
