Saturday, March 27, 2010

Centennial 8km

Warm and humid and boggy underfoot. However, was hoping to stick to Sean today given how much better I've been feeling in running recently. However, it wasn't to be. He pulled away at the end of the first laps and put about a minute into me by the end. Laps went as follows:


28:26 all up. Only 1s quicker than last month with very similar time distribution over the 4 laps. I was hoping to get under 28mins today so was pretty disappointed. Not sure of the reason - probably just tired after the recent step up in training. However that third lap is just pathetic. Need to do some more tempo running to stop this mid-race tail off. I'm much stronger over intervals. Will do some quicker tempo 10kms when on holiday.

Followed by the usual 10 hills which I did consistently in 21s. 14km all up.

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