Thursday, February 25, 2010

HuRTS Gate to Gates

Hangover. Very stiff legs from yesterday's core strength session. Only turned up hoping to bump into Indrajeet (work issue) and because the session (8 x 909m) was very similar to what Sean had planned for me (7 x 800m). Then started the session and felt surprisingly strong. Was running at the head of the front group consisting of me, Fast Charlie, Ray and the Judge. All the reps were run in around 2:52 (3:09 pace) other than the first and the last which were a bit slower - about 2:58. Ray and Charlie came past half way around the last rep and the elastic broke. I did 7 of them as per Sean's plan. Beautiful day. Cooler than recently but perfectly clear and a little headwind on the "out" legs.

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