Monday, April 06, 2009

Non-running Update

Saturday was 1km in Warringah Aquatic Centre. Sunday was a rest, recovering from a hangover after TB's 30th. Today I cycled in (40:50), did 1km in the Cook + Phillip (25:34, which wasn't too bad considering I got massive cramp in my right hamstring towards the end of length 15 which almost drowned me) then a ride home I'm guessing in 44 something but I forgot to start the watch. Rode with Richard which was easy on the flat bits but pushing the hills.

Heel is slowly improving. Swelling has come down a lot and little pain throughout the day. Very aware that if I did the slightest run it would flare back up again though. Continuing with the eccentric loading, nitro patches and Strassburg sock. The sock is a pain in the ass. Seems to cut of blood circulation half way through the night and wake me up.

Only 1 month to go before I see the Doc again...


  1. That strassburg sock tends to do that. It used to ache on the side of my foot and wake me up. Moved to Manly last week.

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Hey Tom, I'm having the same kind of problems as you with the heel, What type of eccentric loading exercises you doing for it?

  3. Tim - depends on whether it's tendinopathy or bursitis. Both symptoms are very similar. I'd see a specialist, but if it's tendinopathy - stand with both feet nearly together on a flat surface, push up onto your toes with both feet, take your weight off your good leg so that you are standing on your toes of your bad leg then lower your heel slowly. Do 4 sets of 15. If it feels too easy, wear a backpack when you're doing them and gradually increase the weight inside the pack until it's tough.

    Flake - I'll have to send you details of some of more regular routes.
