Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Nothing on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Put on a load of weight (about 4kgs - up to 68kgs now) on a diet of beer and chocolate. Wouldn't be too bad if the achilles was showing huge signs of improvement but it isn't. Much less pain on the right hand side at the insertion but still the same on the left. I'm wondering whether it's because of the way I do the eccentric loading and where it is loading the achilles the most.

Just 1km in the Boy Charlton pool in Manly this afternoon. 24:29. Had to stop a few times though with slow swimmers (yes, there are some even slower than me) and Bec and Billy asking incessant questions from the Fun and Splash lane next door. Bec asked if she could swim in my lane at one point and I said no, it's only for serious swimmers. She then matched me stroke for stroke in the fun and splash lane adjacent to mine for 1 length which pissed me off.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Tom, I don't want to be rude or anything, but have you considered changing your diet of beer and chocolate in order to reduce your tendon condition?
