Wednesday, January 28, 2009

MLR with marathon stretches

Burnt Bridge Creek, Queenscliff, Shelly, North Head then straight home. Included three 2km marathon pace stretches along Burnt Bridge Creek, Manly Beach and the final 2km of the Striders North Head route. Fast stretches times were 3:29, 3:29, 3:27, 3:27, 3:37, 3:29. Overall 18.52km in 1:17:40 for 4:12 per km.

Went out in the heat of the day (32C) and suffered as a result. Was fine until 10km then really tailed off. Pushed the final 2km fast stretch but it meant I crawled home from Manly (had to walk part way up the hill) and the pace dropped from 4:05 to 4:12 in that final 2km with a couple of 5:XX. Suffered from heat exhaustion at home feeling nauseous and light headed.

Need to do this session more though. The sort of session that makes you hate training.


  1. I don't know if giving yourself heat exhaustion is good training. Means a few sessions missed or not run as you want them due to your body being taxed.

  2. Heat exhaustion.
    Good excuse for not returning the phone call over the weekend. You'll have to think of a better one next weekend (or perhaps call us that would make a change!)
