Thursday, January 15, 2009

HuRTS Pyramid session

Too darn hot. Another couple of degrees hotter than yesterday, although as I write the storm has come in and lightning is striking all around.

With it being so hot, me being pretty jaded and the heel being a bit sore, I decided not to kill myself today. Rolled around the session with Durante and Muz averaging 3:10's (compared to 3:00's last time) feeling pretty comfortable all the way. Put a bit more effort into the final two reps, running a 69 last lap (equivalent of a 62 second 400m) only to be overtaken by a charging stallion in the last 50m. The Chairman was pushing all the reps hard out front, with Dicky H, Terence and Kaley making up the remainder of the first group. Split into 3 groups today even though numbers were down with the heat.


  1. Glad to hear it's hot. We'll swap you. It's minus 19 degrees Celsius here in Kansas today. So cold it hurts just to be outside. Even Jamie's thermal tights would be ineffective in this weather.

    Suffice to say, there's not many runners out there today.

    Great photo of the family - I hope Becca had a good party and I trust you were the clown.

    Take care


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Canny Lad!
    What time are you hoping to run in the State 5K and what time will you be satisfied with?
    If "Ye knaa what ah mean leik?"

    I'm with Charlie on the music front
    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)
    P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
    (Mum mum mum mah)

  4. Alec - I went from party clown to lifesaver in having to fish two of the kids out of the pool. All the parents told us their kids could swim, so they jumped in the pool but it soon became obvious that one kid could only "swim" when holding another kid under the water for leverage. Luckily everyone was OK but's true what they say about drowning's being silent. The first thing Bec (who was oblivious to what was going on) said to me was "why didn't you take your clothes and sunglasses off before jumping in the pool?".

    Wey aye man Dave! 15:53 is a must (read Kanser's Blog), 15:35 would be good (sorry Dad) and something in the 15:20's would be purely belter!
