Tuesday, January 13, 2009

HuRTS Hickson Road

Some sessions just hurt more than others. I think I've settled into a comfortable regime with some of the HuRTS sessions recently. You can't do that with Hickson Rd. Every one of the reps hurts. Event the rests hurt - mental torture at the prospect of the next rep. I suppose it must be doing a load of good in raising the lactate threshold. Does that mean the other sessions are pointless? I guess you have to mix them all up as we'd all break down if we ran Hickson Rd twice a week every week. Great 5km training though. Just worried it may all be a bit too late and that I've not squeezed enough speed sessions in.

We split into two groups again this week - Durante, Muz, Dicky H and myself in the first group with Mike leading others including Terence, Tucks, Tim C, Pete W, Enda and Adam etc in the second. I really wanted to give the session a crack this week but first disappointment was realising that I'd left my adizeros at home so had to run in my heavy trainers. Still, set off at the front on the first rep and tried to make it quick. Groaned with disappointment at the end on looking at the time but they got better with more competition for the following reps. Durante was running strongly again pushing each of them just in front of Muz. After the first one, I tried to nudge the second half of each of the reps after tucking in for the first half. Times went as follows:

3:36; 3:33; 3:28; 3:33; 3:30

Quite a bit of wind on reps 2 and (particularly) 4 which slowed them down. It was hot too which didn't help. Exactly the same average time as for when I last ran this session at the end of October.

Nice jog back catching up with Kanser. Had a bit of a discussion on who is going to win Six Foot. He's convinced Uncle Dave will have it wrapped up but, great runner that he is, I still think it's a specialists event and that Fats will win again provided he's fit. Hope Amanda appreciates my loyalty.

Good luck to Kanser for Friday.

PM: Run home. Felt much better than last week - 59:03 but still feeling as though I was taking it very easy. I'll double up on Tuesdays from now on - Mondays are too close to the long Sunday run and doubling up on Tuesdays means the earlier speed session is more meaningful.


  1. Hickson is a pure V02 session. You may go lactate but it won't improve your lactate threshold at all. Depending on what you are aiming for the V02 session are typically used when peaking for the majority of endurance runners. Good session all the same. The pace is always on.
    Will give Dubai a good crack.
    Question for you - who won the king of the mountain this yr and who was second...in NSW of course..

  2. As soon as I posted I knew that loose language like "lactate threshold" would be picked up by the running police. I take it your question is rhetorical. KOM is a pussy's run. Even Truscott has won it.

    Good luck in Dubai mate and have a great trip regardless.

  3. Anonymous1:35 PM

    "Even Truscott has won it."

    Haha... Good Luck Dave :)

  4. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Truthy says Truscott is head to head about 145 to 4 against your entire squad put together.

  5. Excellent! It looks as though the identity of Truthy has been revealed.

  6. Anonymous4:09 PM

    But the squad has better half & full marathon PB's then Truthy... umm I mean Truscott.
