Friday, January 02, 2009

10km tempo

Caught up with Tim and ran a 10km tempo - 4 loops of a near exact 2.5km circuit not more than 200m from my house. Tim had it at 10.04km on his Garmin which is exactly what G-Maps has it at....

He set off pretty quick going through the first km in just over 3:20. I then pushed on towards the end of the first lap, built a little gap on the second and gradually pulled ahead for the reminaining laps. Lap times went as follows:

8:28; 8:38; 8:34; 8:18.

Total time of 33:58. Tim came in at 35:11. Felt relaxed all the way through but it's never really comfortable at that pace. Very pleased with the final lap as I could see that a sub-34 was on the cards so put the effort in to get it.

Much better conditions than recently. Cool at about 23C with a bit of a breeze.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Wel done Tom, No doubt you heard about Kanser's effort's last night? Would love to say i witnessed it BUT.... I hear the lady on the turnaround point was positioned 150 metres short of the 5k mark - abit like his Ireland run earlier in the year ( but who am am to spread gossip like that? :))
    Cheers Tim
