Monday, November 03, 2008

Recovery run

Not quite slow enough. Headed out on the usual out and back Monday route with Durante, Kanser, Serg, Muz, Steve, Enda and Aus in hot conditions. Struggled to feel comfortable all the way in the heat and after a tough weekend. 14.58km in 1:02:03 averaging 4:15s.

Who put the anonymous second comment on Saturday? You're probably right.


  1. Looks like Dad has been leaving some anonymous comments on your blog !
    The start with the 'Son' followed by the 'young fellas' looks fairly patronising but the advice is sound enough !
    He should at least have signed his comment but hey! you should feel privileged to have received anything at all. Last mail I got was 3 years ago !!

  2. Another Mystery Coach? 4:15's for a recovery run!!

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM

    This is what I am talking about son. Junk miles we called them in my day. Waste of time. Overtraining can actually send you backwards. I have seen it happen to plenty of good athletes in the past. Better to have skipped this session, recovered after Sunday and got the most out of your 400's tomorrow.
