Tuesday, November 18, 2008

HuRTS 4 x 3km

The usual 4 x 10 minutes session with Charlie, DC5, KMK, Kanser, English Andy, MC, Richard H, Enda, Stephen etc. Very windy today - the water in Farm Cove was being blown through all of the holes onto the path - a couple of metres in in places. Also very busy on the eastern side where they are setting up the open air cinema. Combined with Pain in the Domain disrupted the reps significantly at times.

Took it easy today running with MC, Enda and English Andy and also KMK for the first 2 reps. Kanser was holding on to to Charlie and DC5 up ahead. Covered 2.72km for the first rep (3:40s), back in 9:41 on the second (3:33s), covered 2.82km for the third rep trying to catch Kanser (3:32s) and back in 9:53 on the fourth (3:30s). I say I took it easy but it's still not comfortable running that distance at that pace, particularly with the heavy wind. Was able to tuck behind KMK on the first 2 reps but was exposed on the 3rd and 4th.

HuRTS Awards Night has been set for 4th December. We have 3 categories, best performance, most improved and the Sergio Carvalho trophy for most rested on laurels. I think Kanser wants to introduce some more categories so that he can win a prize.

Congrats to Stevie on his 3:52 for 1500m at the weekend. Rumour has it he may be leaving us for the dark side.

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