Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Retrocalcaneal Bursitis

Is what I have.

Treatment seems to be icing, anti-inflammatories, proper stretching and not running any hills or anything strenuous for the time being. Eccentric loading is not good - I had thought that that only seemed to be aggravating the problem. First light run will be Friday and then only alternate days. Still enjoying the rest.


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    That names gotta be made up !!

    Take it easy mate, enjoy the rest.

    - Serg.

  2. Well at least you know now. Go easy on it so you can run NY.

  3. "Inflammation of the calcaneal bursae is most commonly caused by repetitive (cumulative) trauma or overuse, and the condition is aggravated by pressure, such as when athletes wear tight-fitting shoes. Retrocalcaneal bursitis may also be associated with conditions such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and seronegative spondyloarthropathies. In some cases, retrocalcaneal bursitis may be caused by bursal impingement between the Achilles tendon and an excessively prominent posterosuperior aspect of the calcaneus (Haglund deformity). In Haglund disease, impingement occurs during ankle dorsiflexion."
    Just hope you aren't also suffering from seronegative spondyloarthropathies because that sounds even worse !
    Get better soon.
