Friday, September 12, 2008

Home Truths

The Manly mile is only 1.59km long.

Kirst is away for the weekend so took today off to look after the kids. Due to complications over work I had booked Michelle to look after the kids for 4 hours but my meeting was cancelled so took advantage and went for a run (and lazy lunch). Run was a new variation of an old route - 15.34km in 1:03:49 (4:10 per km) - picture attached. The picture is saved from SportTracks - the new software I've downloaded. Haven't got a clue how it works but it just seemed to pick up all my runs from my Garmin, save them on a very handy and well laid out Calendar and then show pictures of where you actually ran. Then, when you hovver the mouse over any spot on your run, it tells you the exact distance at that point and the elapsed time. How good is that? It's amazing.
Steady run, not wholly comfortable as I'm too busy trying to keep the pace up for the watch. Calves are very sore. Tara indicated this would happen - I've got a new stretch which loosens the lower part of the calf (which was causing the bursitis) but it means I'm now using the upper part of my calves more hence them being so sore, particularly after yesterday's session.
BTW, was looking over the SMH results yesterday in responding to Dave Sweeney and noticed that the bloke I outsprinted at the end of that race was exactly the same as the bloke I outstprinted at the end of City to Surf (Richard Gardiner). Must be annoying for him, but indicates that perhaps my SMH Half wasn't as bad as I thought it was, given how pleased I was with C2S.

1 comment:

  1. Tom you should consider using Compression socks. I know it doesn't look cool but I get no calf pain when I use them. You can buy them in the city 3sports on York Street.
