Tuesday, July 01, 2008

HuRTS 5min reps

Sprinted down (running late) to a different group than usual with no stalwarts such as Kanser (breaking records in Ireland), Serg, Robbie or Durante (doing their own secret fast training which sounded a bit too quick for me). Ran the first 4 reps quickly with Fats, Charlie, Muz and Big Dave Clarke in about 3:15 pace then the final 4 reps comfortably with Mike Race and English Andy in about 3:40 pace. Felt tired after the first 4 (more tired than usual - we were getting to the big stone so pushing them quite hard but worried it was the effects of the cold) but fine by the end.

Big Dave Clarke was right up there for 7 and looked strong. KMK did usual latest thing of starting easy and getting quicker all the way through (leading Charlie on the last rep). At this rate, Macquarie will be hard to beat at JPM. Kanser might be looking at B team...


  1. Did they give you a seeded number for C2S or just preferred? Coming 50th including females I would assume you get a named bib

  2. Flake - no number (or "name") yet but I did get an email confirmation that I was seeded. Actually finished 51st in the end but 50th bloke so must be the very last person to get one. Will have to justify it this year...

  3. I think you should hand the seeded bib back until you can finish without being beaten by a woman ! ;o)
    I mean male pride and everything ...

  4. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Good luck on Sunday Tom.

