Saturday, July 12, 2008


2km warm-up then 15 x Margaret St Hills (GMap attached) immediately jogging down Woods Parade so it was a constant 600m loop. All between 1:30 and 1:33. Tried to stretch out on the flat bit along Fairlight St each time. Killer session. Only way through it mentally is to think of them in sets of twos.

2km warm down for 13km all up.


  1. Not bad at all.
    On gmap it shows the height difference at around 30m per loop. So if you did 15 that's 450m of height gained during the run. Most impressive, especially considering that you did that in 1:30x15 = 22:30 for 5.7 km ie. just under 4 mins per kilometre or just over 15km/h.

  2. mmmmmhhh,
    Looks like someones got Heartbreak on their mind!
