Tuesday, June 24, 2008

HuRTS 4 x 3km

Tim - I would have swum across if it had been summer, although two people have independently told me that channel is full of sharks. Probably just of the toe-nibbling variety though.

I won't go on about my cold any more as I'm beginning to bore even myself.

Didn't know what to expect today after a tough run on Sunday and [edit: deleted by the boredom police], but rocked up to meet the usual hungry crowd. Set off at a decent pace with Serg leading the way and a front group that included Charlie, Robbie (getting married next month - congratulations mate), Ray (again, putting some effort in), Fats, Muz and myself with Durante just behind. I pushed in my usual section between the hills and we ended at the Stone Gates in 9:44. Given the increased pace we are getting on these reps, we decided just to stop there as we are running out of space. It's exactly 2.9km to the gates so that's about 3:21 pace. Much faster on the way back courtesy of Robbie and Serg for a 9:18 (3:12 pace). Robbie then set off quickly on the third (first km in 3:10) for 9:37 at the gates (3:19 pace) then Charlie paced the last rep until Serg pushed on around Farm Cove. I was dropped half way around by Serg, Charlie and Robbie but managed to pick it up again to finish just behind Serg in 9:05 (3:08 pace).

Another month and another improvement for this session. Felt great today. Beautiful cold, crisp and clear day well suited for fast running.

16km all up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    In a bit of pain hobbling around today after you and the serg pushed it hard. A decent workout champ
