Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back with the Boys

6 x 5mins with 90 seconds rest. Good crowd today with Tucks, Charlie, MC, Michael Harrison, Serg, Anthony, English Andy, Tim C, Durante, Aus, Enda and others. Kanser joined us half way through after running a tempo 5km. Plan was to take it easy in the middle of the pack and be dragged around. Wasn't confident about staying the distance after a month away from proper training. Took the first 3 pretty easy in the pack, then started to push the last 3. Was struggling a bit more than usual but held on stronger than I had expected. Was overtaken only by Charlie, Tucks and Michael on the last rep. I think we averaged about 3:23 per/km for the first 3, 3:18 for 4 and 5 and 3:10 for the final rep.

Notice that in my absence:

1. MC is a lot stronger. He's a chance for going sub-34 if he can translate his training form into racing.
2. Kanser is much stronger. I'm sure Sunday's run/race was an aberration.
3. Anthony and Serg are well below form (or taking it easy).
4. Tim C and English Andy are going well.
5. Tucks is as consistent as ever.


  1. Excellent! Hope the achilles is ok tomorrow.

  2. Tom, re- your comment on PA's blog, about Masters records(and thanks for that), I have one word, that I cannot post on the blog, due to the relationship between the two.

