Monday, November 26, 2007

Balls Head again

14km around Balls Head with Ray, Kanser, Springer, Dave Dreverman and MC. Bit quicker today for some reason (61:13) and didn't feel wholly comfortable. Felt as though I either wanted to speed up or slow down (although probably more the latter). Feels as though 17km the day before is starting to take it out of me. Missing the long Sunday run at the moment.
Weather was cooler than yesterday which was a relief but still quite humid.

Given I'm done with racing for the year (apart from the fiercely competitive Highnam Handicap which has been pencilled in for 31st December - allcomers welcome) my brief summary for the year follows:

Best 3 races:

1. State 3km (mainly for the time, slightly disappointed I didn't win the "C" Race)
2. Sydney Half Marathon (again for the time)
3. Lane Cove 10km November (mainly for managing to beat Tucks and the time for a hilly course)

Just missing out on the top 3 spots are the Long Course Cross Country in late June, the Gold Coast 10km in early July, Novice 10km and Homebush 10km in October. I think I hit form in late June/early July and then again in mid-later October to early November.

Most disappointing 3 races is easy:

1. City to Surf - still don't know what went wrong. I'll try not to get so obsessed about it next year. Racing regularly helps, as will more aerobic conditioning for one of the toughest races around.
2. Short Course X-Country Relays - I'll blame the sore back.
3. Homebush 10km in March - a shocking time in tough conditions.


  1. whats involved in the highnam handicap?

  2. Basically it involves convincing Roger Highnam (Dad) that you are more unfit than last year and that Tom is now running 2 minutes / km faster than you. That's the hard part - turning up on the day and pelting it over a 2 - 3 km course (so that the youngest Highnams can also participate) is easy in comparison. Of course, jet-lag and rapid climate change are also mitigating factors which have to be included in the handicap calculation (this is just in case Dad is reading !!).
    Take part - it's all about the banter that goes on beforehand and the in-depth analysis of the race performance afterwards !!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sounds like a run with great prestige associated with it! look forward to reading more details - especially if it is an allcomers

  5. I thought your best race was SMH Half. You seemed to be working flat out when you raced that one.
