Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Overt training

8 x 5 min off 90 seconds recovery.

Charlie sent an email this morning suggesting this session and my initial thought was one of horror and looking forward to PiTD as usual. Then Anthony responded saying he was keen. Thought about a little more and realised that the two people doing the session were the two people who have finished immediately in front of me in my last two races and are precisely those I should be pushing myself against.

The session wasn't half as bad as it looks and was interesting to see the way Charlie normally trains. Tim C and Enda also showed up and for each rep someone took on the pace. The pace was pretty easy - certainly comfortable for the first 5 reps and rather than having any lactic build up over the last 3, it was more just creeping fatigue. Very different to my normal rep sessions where I tend to blast each one. Tim dropped out after 5 and Enda after 6 so the last two were just Anthony, Charlie and I pushing on a little. Still felt as though I could have done 2 more at the end but feel pretty fatigued now I'm back in the office.

1km before and after for about 15km all up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:37 PM

    the feeling you are describing is 'Aerobic Conditioning' training - somewhere between marathon pace and 10km pace. That is SUCH a good session for you. That type of running will help you to no end.

