Saturday, August 04, 2007

Striders 10km Lane Cove

3rd in 33:31.

Occasionally you run a race and everything just works. Felt fantastic today. Plan was to push the pace from the start and run this course like everyone says you should - put it in until the turn at 5.3km and then let the hills bring you home.

Took off at the start and was surprised to take the lead for the first km. Was still in the lead at the start of the hill up to Scribbly Gums when Jeremey Horne just took off. He turned about 15m in front with me, Tom Crasti and Tim Ashby in the following group. I tried to push on the pace at the bottom of the hill to drop Tim but just seemed to drag them both with me. I think Tom and I must have made a small gap over the next 2km as we went through 5km in 17:03 and Tim said he was through in 17:08. Tom pulled in front up the hill to the 5.3km turn but I was still feeling good enough to catch him on the downhill following the turn. Basically just ran with Tom from there through to the bottom of the hill at Scribbly Gums - trying to force the pace but failing to drop him. I must have eased off at that point as he suddenly surged ahead and had 10m on me in no time. I ran a slow km from 8-9 as he'd built up a gap of 10 seconds by 9km. From there I just pushed for home hoping to hold Tim off.

Tim finished in 33:46. If you're reading this mate, that's now 3-3 for the season (I think we can ignore the SMH - 10kms are where it's at) and having pulled it back from 3-0, you've got to be worried about the Striders cumulative 10km points!

Although the time wasn't quite as quick as I had hoped for, I was chuffed in how I felt running it. Feeling confident for City to Surf now but just hope I haven't peaked a week early.


  1. Good run mate. Now I know why you went from 2nd down Ryde Rd gates to third. Foot off the gas. That flat section along the bottom of scribblys always does it to me as well. Good luck for next week.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    good race on saturday mate. your certainly hitting some good form. 3-3 in the point score. i think you pressure is now on you to keep that good form going. one slip up is more than enough. good luck at C2S. I predict 46:56
