Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Gentle Pain

1km warm up + 6km Pain + 4km warmdown. Felt good today - putting more effort in on the reps (particularly the hills) than of late. Time was slower than usual in high 25's though. Missed my time on the long rep as a result of dropping my work pass half way around. Good to say Ray putting some effort in for once and to catch up with Tucks, Anthony, Tim C and the rest.


  1. I see you were top 50 or 49th male. Should be a seeded bib next year. Well done mate!

  2. How can that happen? 50th across the line, but 49th male? That doesn't make sense. Unless...Oh my god no...Beaten by a girl!

    Sorry to hear that your run wasn't as good as you had hoped. Still top 50 is impressive.

    Now go back to work and stop reading your own blog!

  3. Photo of you finishing looks good Tom. Nice to see that you put a little effort in for the camera.
    Agree with Alec and Gill's comment about being beaten by a female.
    Looked at the camera (n° 2 on the SMH site) and the clock definitely says 48:13 as you go through. Are you sure you haven't cut out 12 seconds in your disappointment ?
    Nevermind, the first woman only beat you by 1 min 30. With a bit of training, you should get closer next year !!

  4. Just looked at the photos of Jessica Ruthe. How come she was smiling all the way round and you looked in agony ?
    Just asking ...
