Monday, August 06, 2007

Easy Monday

14km around Balls Head at lunch with Ray. Very easy run chatting all the way (although Ray does that at any pace) about the weekend results and City to Surf. 1:07:53. Felt tired in the second half as a result of the weekend's efforts so have ditched any plan to take Pain and Wednesday seriously and will just be running easy for the rest of the week.

.....One of the things I was chatting to Ray about was the conversion factor between the Lane Cove 10km result in August and City to Surf results. Ray mentioned that Stephen Jackson had analysed this over the years. Sent Action a PM this afternoon and he replied saying that looking at over 100 results over the past 3 years (there are some people out there who are even more obsessed on stats than me) the conversion factor is as near as dammit to 1.4. Gives me a predicted 46:58. Still think this is very ambitious but sub47 has got to be the ultimate aim.


  1. Gives me 53:54. Yeehah! I calculate 47:57 for you.

  2. Anonymous10:35 PM

    I calculate 46.45 for you..


  3. I think you both need to get your calculators out. I also got 53:54 for you though Flake so the pressure's on.

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I calculate 46:40 for you.


  5. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Anything Serg can say I can say in a more positive manner...

    I am now certain that you will run 46.30min.

