Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday Fartlek

Mona Fartlek with the Thursday crowd. Too many turned up to name here, but included Ray, Tucks, Chris's G and E, Anthony, Mike, Darren, Simon, Durante, Andrew W, Tim, English Andy and even Charlie Low returning from injury.

Tucks and I ran at the front with Anthony just behind. Reached the half way mark in about the same place we did last time out - maybe a touch further. Finished in exactly the same spot - ie finishing the final fast rep on the start line and the final float half way down the Opera House.

Tucks was pushing the longer reps in the first half and I was struggling to hold on. Felt stronger on the way home.

3km warm up and 4km warmdown for 13km all up.

1 comment:

  1. Cast of thousands! Does that mean Charlie Low who I saw walking through the Argyle Cut during SMH did an injury in that race?
