Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hickson Road

5 x 1.2km with 2 minute rests. Big crowd again (the group just keeps on growing) with Ray, Serg, Tucks, Durante, Mike, Chris, Anthony, Peter, Darren, new bloke Andy and even Fats before he pulled up injured. Times went:

3:34, 3:26; 3:35; 3:27; 3:44

So a lot quicker than the last time I ran these seriously (which is quite a while back). Ran the first three with Serg and Tucks, just managed to hold on to Tucks for the 4th (Serg had pulled away) but the elastic broke on the final rep when yesterday's session hit the legs. The is the fiest session in a long while that I've really felt knackered after so it'll be interesting to see how quickly I recover. I sometimes wonder whether I run these too fast (it's difficult not to when you get competitive with a big crowd) - the first 4 reps are averaging 3:00 mins per km which is a lot quicker than even my 5km race pace. Having said that, I'm sure I'd have held on for the final rep had I not done the long session last night.

12km all up.

1 comment:

  1. Getting a big fast crew down on Hickson Rd.
