Monday, July 16, 2007

Fitting it in

Originally planned 18km with marathon pace stretches but that went down the gurgler when I took Bec to school only to discover school doesn't start until tomorrow. Then planned a track session at Narrabeen so Bec could play in the in-field but arrived to find a school carnival taking place. Almost gave up at this point, but had the idea of going to Campbell Parade and doing reps around the path while she played in the playpark. She made a friend as usual so it worked beautifully. Ran 2 x 5 x 700m (approx) around the circular path. Bit short, so kept the rest short (1 minute strict) with a 4 minute loop of the path between each set of 5. Conditions were perfect - cool with little wind. Times went:

2:07; 2:07; 2:07; 2:05; 2:05; 2:07; 2:04; 2:05; 2:04; 2:03

Felt stronger as I went through. Really, they should all have been at the pace of the last one. (Just GMapped it - comes out shorter than I expected at 652m - so average pace was 3:11 per km for a 2:05).

2km warm up and 1.5km warm down for 11km all up.


  1. Tom,

    Never actually met howver I do read your blog from time to time. I actually work at ING with Richard who I think you train with from time to time.

    Anyway, I live on Campbell Pde and have measured the bike track a few times - I am pretty sure it is exactly 666m - i.e. 3 laps equals exactly 2k's.


  2. Cheers Hamburglar - would be good if it was 666m (despite the sinister overtones). Nice spot to live - very handy for the great Italian pizza place at the Bowlo.
