Sunday, June 17, 2007

Missing Mini-Mos

Took yesterday off as I felt terrible - party a self induced hangover and partly coming down with a cold. So when I woke up this morning listening to the pouring rain I took the easy option and went back to sleep. Didn't think it would do the confidence any good two weeks out from Gold Coast to run a half baked Mini-Mos 10km.

Eventually headed out for a shortened Sunday run around lunch and ironically felt fantastic. One of those days when running is easy and you feel as though you could keep on going all day. Ran 20km in 1:23:47. Went around North Head and Little Collins beach via Queenscliff both ways and adding a loop around Shelley on the way back. Timed the North Head 2km just to see what pace I was running at and clocked 7:48 over that flat section so much have been averaging just over 4min KMs including the hills.

PS - Jamie, it is a girl. Very excited and nervous.

1 comment:

  1. You missed a good hard race. No rain during the race. Just a bit windy.
