Thursday, June 21, 2007

Back to Hickson Road

Usual Hickson Road reps but taken easily saving myself for Saturday. Huge crowd of 15 today, including Ray, Tucks, Serg, Anthony, Chris G, Mike, Richard P, Peter, Andrew Wilson, Anthony, Phil, Chris E and Simon. A bit frustrating as Serg was in very good form and it would have been good to try to hold on to him. Times went:

3:47; 3:37; 3:46; 3:22; 3:49

That 4th rep time is not a typo. Just blasted it and tried to stay ahead of Serg. Following wind on the return legs flattered those times. Felt very comfortable, although when you're running 3:46 you wonder how you can knock off another 10 seconds.

11km in total.

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